Tag Archives: Dental

Dental Caries: Causes & Prevention

Dental Caries

Dental caries (decay) is a bacterial disease caused by dental plaque. It progresses when acid formed by bacteria from dietary fermentable carbohydrates diffuses into the tooth and dissolves the mineral which is called demineralization. Pathological factors including acid-producing bacteria, salivary dysfunction, and dietary carbohydrates develop caries. Dental caries can occur in both milk (primary) and […]

Sweeteners: Artificial or Natural – Which is Sweetest & Lowest in Calorie

High-intensity sweeteners are commonly used as alternatives to sugar because they are many times sweeter than sugar but contribute only a few to no calories when added to foods. High-intensity sweeteners, like all other ingredients added to are found to be safe for consumption by UD FDA or EFSA. SaccharinSaccharin is a non-nutritive sweetener, which means that […]